Turn photos into notes with AI

Export to other apps: Export the generated notes to any note-taking apps like Notion, Obsidian, Google Docs.

Well-Structured: Turn your photos to well-structured text notes with AI.

Convenient: Upload your photos and turn them into notes with a few clicks.

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Photes.io App screenshot

Images to knowledge

Instantly transform images into notes from slides, meetups, classes, and beyond.

AI-Powered Text Extraction

With the help of GPT-4 Vision GPT-4o, Photes.io goes beyond simple OCR (Optical Character Recognition), which is able to understand the context and content of your images and generate well-structured note.

Analyze your photo and generate structured notes

Overall Recognition

Photes.io can understand all kinds of information in your pictures, including text, chart like Venn or statistical graph.

Mind map and chart

Integration with Popular Note-Taking Apps

You could export your notes to Notion, Microsoft Word, Google Docs, or any other note-taking app you prefer.

Export to other note-taking apps

Extended Reference from Web

Photes.io can enhance the credibility of generated notes by referencing relevant articles. It also expands your content through web searches.

Add references to the generated notes

Ready to turn your photos into knowledge?

Click the button below and turn your photos into well-structured notes with Photes.io!

Frequently Asked Questions