The Million Dollar Homepage: Pixels for Profit

The Million Dollar Homepage


  • Concept and Overview

    • The Million Dollar Homepage is a website that consists of a grid of 1,000,000 pixels, each pixel sold for $1.
    • The purpose was to sell all the pixels to raise $1,000,000.
    • The image showcases a wide variety of colorful advertisements and images, each occupying different blocks of pixels.
  • Design and Layout

    • The webpage is divided into small blocks; each block represents an advertisement or link.
    • The blocks vary in size, and advertisers could purchase multiple pixels to create a larger advertisement area.
    • The arrangement is highly dense and visually overwhelming due to the variety of colors and designs.
  • Content and Advertisements

    • The ads cover a wide range of industries, including web hosting, gambling, health supplements, entertainment, and more.
    • Notable advertisements include those for free hosting, casino games, dietary supplements, and dating services.
    • Some pixel areas are animated, while others are static images.
    • The advertisements include a mix of commercial, personal, and novelty messages.
  • Navigational Elements

    • Main navigation options at the top include Homepage, Buy Pixels, FAQ, Blog, Pixel List, Press, Case Study, Tell a Friend, and Contact me.
    • A newsletter subscription field and social media sharing options (Tell a Friend) are prominent at the top.
    • Pixel purchase and availability information show "Sold: $51,900" and "Available: 448,100".
  • Interactive Features

    • When hovering over different parts of the image, the cursor changes to indicate clickability, suggesting that each pixel contains a hyperlink to the advertiser's website.
  • Historical Context

    • Created in 2005, the Million Dollar Homepage was a unique internet phenomenon and is often cited as an early example of internet crowdfunding and viral marketing.
  • Visual Elements and Graphics

    • The chaotic collage of small ads creates a visually striking and somewhat nostalgic internet-era experience.
  • Monetary and Marketing Strategy

    • The website effectively turned a simple idea into a viral marketing and revenue-generating project.
    • Each pixel costs $1, encouraging purchases ranging from small personal ads to larger corporate banners.
    Pixel CategoryExample Advertisements
    Web HostingFree Hosting, WebHosting
    GamblingCasino Games, Poker
    HealthDiet Pills, Supplements
    EntertainmentMovies, Dating Services
    Mixed/MiscCoupons, Freebies, Blog Links