Personal AI Homework Helper based on Deepseek

Ask any questions about your class notes or homework and get instant answers. You can choose advanced models including DeepseekR1, GPT-O1, GPT-O3, Claude, etc.

Pixno Deepseek Homework Helper

Pixno Homework Helper

Personal AI TA that helps you with your homework

Add your note photos, lecture slides to Pixno as knowledge base, then Pixno can help you with your homework, assignments, and projects.

AI-Powered Lecture Knowledge Base

AI-Powered Lecture Knowledge Base

Organize and search all your class notes, PDFs, and slides in one place. Our AI indexes your materials instantly, so you can retrieve formulas, concepts, or diagrams in seconds.

Multi-Model AI Support (GPT, Claude, Deepseek & More)

Compare answers from top AI models like DeepseekR1, GPT-4o, and Claude 3.0. Choose the best explanation style—step-by-step math solving, essay writing, or coding help.

Multi-Model AI Support (GPT, Claude, Deepseek & More)
Instant Homework Answers with DeepseekR1 Technology

Instant Homework Answers with DeepseekR1 Technology

Get accurate, step-by-step solutions for math, physics, coding, and essay writing in seconds. DeepseekR1 specializes in academic rigor and real-time problem-solving.

Cross-Platform Accessibility: Study Anywhere, Anytime

Access Pixno on iOS, Android, or web. Sync your notes and homework progress seamlessly across devices—even offline!

Cross-Platform Accessibility: Study Anywhere, Anytime
Multi-Language Support for Global Learners

Multi-Language Support for Global Learners

Get homework help in 20+ languages, including Spanish, Mandarin, and French. Ideal for ESL students and international curriculums.

Stuck on Homework? Let AI Do the Heavy Lifting

24/7 homework support for math, coding, and essay writing. Perfect for AP, IB, and college-level courses.

Frequently Asked Questions